Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ready for takeoff and zen pastries...

Girding oneself for 15 hours of nonstop flight is a real challenge. I find that passing the time is not as difficult as the discomfort and fatigue accompanying the flight. It takes days to get my body rhythms back in sync and healthy. But oh, is it worth it! Australia and Melbourne in particular makes my whole body smile. I love the people, the animals, the trams, the pastries, the wrong side of the road... I love it all. Did I just mention the pastries? Let me elaborate. There is something called a Neenish Tart that should be in the Guiness Book of Records for most amazing little yum-yum ever made. My favorite version of this tart comes from a bakery on Acland Street in St. Kilda which just happens to be nearby one of my yoga classes. Hmmmmm... full lotus to full belly! Once again my sensory palate takes over and all things come back to food. The hedonistic flow I feel during yoga and meditation is similar to my devotion to this pastry (and let's be honest all food!). It's no mistake that this tart is half black and half white though. The perfect tao treat! Click here to check out a picture and recipe

I better keep packing, but the next time you are looking for a little balance in your life think Neenish and petalsyoga. ;-)

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