Sunday, July 12, 2009

Totally Random Sunday is baaaack...

Right Click on the picture to save it, post it, and share the Random Fun

It's time for the second week of Totally Random Sunday. Here's your randomness for the day...

Fern Bamboozle Pan

Here are the rules:

Go visit 5 random blogs today by
Going here and finding someone over at SITs
and leave random comments on them all like:

Fern Bamboozle Pan

Three randomly chosen words are PERFECT!

And then tell these lucky bloggers that they have now become a part of Totally Random Sunday and that they should participate by also going out to randomly comment on YOURS and five other blogs. You won't believe how quickly you get comments on your blog in response!

Go forth and be random!!!

Are you in?


Deanna said...

I have grandkids this weekend and no time for random :)

Just wanted to say hello and happy day!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Thank you for "randomizing" me!! I'm late but my head has been aching for days now and I'm behind on EVERYTHING!!

I very much appreciate the visit!