It's hot here. Really hot. Like my body is baking in a big Portland oven hot. I'm not complaining, just making sure you understand... HOT!
In other news, I had a small carton of chocolate milk today from Trader Joe's. If you want to be instantly transported back to childhood I recommend a small carton of milk sipped on a hot day. It took me right back to a little wooden desk and the smell of chalkboards. Do kids today even drink milk in cartons? I think in my daughter's school everything is in plastic bottles. Water and milk in plastic. Blech. The carton was fun because it was a challenge to open. Goof up the carton opening and you had milk pouring down your shirtfront. Many a day I had a soggy/milky shirt...
Okay, sorry for the trip down nostalgia lane. I guess I'm living a bit in the past right now because A. My daughter is turning 10 this week. (This is IMPOSSIBLE... I swear I just brought her home from the hospital in her little preemie yellow overalls!!!)
And B. my little toy poodle Sara (who is 16 years old this year) is slowing down and getting closer to leaving us. We thought last week was the end but she rebounded at the vet's while I was out of town and is doing pretty well right now. I just can't believe how quickly the last 16 years have gone by. She was the cutest little fluff ball that we took home as a 6 week old puppy. Sara was such a little devil-dog even then. I remember her trying to chew on the ear of a big labrador in the same pen. She's been ruling the roost in this house ever since. She snuggled next to me during my very difficult pregnancy and nuzzled me with love during my many recoveries from surgeries and illness. I'm having a very hard time detaching from her, but I know when the time is right to let her go I will be ready. She deserves a happy and pain-free life and I will make sure that is what she has until the end. Here's a picture taken of her today after her summer haircut. She looks silly but I'll bet she feels much better without the heavy coat.

In other news, my daughter discovered tear ducts today. Really. She looked in the mirror and discovered holes on the sides of her eyes where tears come from. She was amazed that other people had already discovered this. I love that kid. I love that she's trying so hard to discover something totally new and ingenious. I think we should all try doing this too. Give yourself over to discovering one amazing fact or observation each day and be wowed by the power of the discovery. I'm going to work on mine right now. I've recently discovered that my bottom teeth are no longer straight after a lifetime of being mostly straight (and two sets of orthodontic braces as a teen). I have a funky space in between my front bottom teeth that I'm sure was never there before. I'm going to ponder the why and how of this change right now and pore over old photos to see if my memory is playing tricks on me or if it really is a change. I'll get back to you soon with my results. Fascinating, no?
Feel free to share your own wonders and whys with me here. I can obviously use some diversions.
And finally, to the kind friends who so generously supported me with your comments on my last post.... Thank You. You lifted my spirits and gave me the gift of your love exactly when I needed it most. I was struggling and you sensed it and nurtured me. I am so grateful for you.
Namaste and hugs,
p.s. VJ , I did my hopping 180 degree turn just for you today in my home yoga practice and it made me smile to think of you!
It seems like only yesterday I held my Tessa in my arms for the first time and she is already 35. I guess such a wonderous memory is meant to last forever.
The chocolate milk out of a carton is a sweet memory. We only had white milk at our school and I never did master that carton at least not until I was opening them for my own children.
On this hot summer day I find wonder in the memories of chlorine swimming pools. Childhood, to motherhood, to grandmotherhood - chlorine and summer go together!
I knew you would understand. Guess what daughter wants for her birthday??? To swim all day! More memories in the making.
I am sorry about your sweet dog!
And we don't have a Trader Joes here. :(
Hi, Jan,
Thanks for remembering me on the 180 turn. Simon did the other one a couple of times recently, and as you can guess, I was thinking about you!
I'm sorry to hear about the poodle. Unfortunately that "Simon's Law" (remember that?) gets everyone at some point. I'm glad to hear that she's doing better right now.
Please tell Izzy that I wish her a very happy birthday. Please give her an extra hug for me.
Wishing you all happiness,
Hi, Jan,
Thanks for remembering me on the 180 turn. Simon did the other one a couple of times recently, and as you can guess, I was thinking about you!
I'm sorry to hear about the poodle. Unfortunately that "Simon's Law" (remember that?) gets everyone at some point. I'm glad to hear that she's doing better right now.
Please tell Izzy that I wish her a very happy birthday. Please give her an extra hug for me.
Wishing you all happiness,
They put milk in plastic? Ew! I'm pretty sure milk is in tiny cartons at my son's school.
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog :) I'm always thrilled when I find other people who have the same cravings as I do.
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