I also have to keep reminding myself to drive on the right side of the road instead of the left. I can't believe it is taking me so much longer this time to get back into the swing of things. Because of the left/right driving thing, my windshield wipers are still going off every time I think I'm indicating to turn left or right. Luckily in Portland, no one would notice windshield wipers operating at the wrong time... it's hardly ever the wrong time here.
Picture of an Aussie car console... Holden Captiva Maxx

Izzy made it through her school day only a little bleary-eyed and is of course still wide awake and raring to go tonight. After all, our bodies are still operating on Melbourne time which is early afternoon instead of 9:46pm. She finally fell asleep last night at 2:00am and if that happens again tonight I'm going to make us all warm milk with sedatives in it. (just kidding!)
Okay, I'm off to try to coax the little koala bear back to bed. Wish me luck.
Have a great Tuesday,