Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sleepy joy and rocks

We spent the weekend with dear friends who have known us for 13 years and stayed in the beach cottage of our closest friends for the last 6 years. So (if my math-challenged brain is correct) that is a cumulative 19 years of loving friendship represented in this weekend. There is nothing on this planet that beats spending fun times with friends and family.

The beach was beautiful and even sunny today. We spent most of our time in Pacific City, OR and it is a great place. But I lost my heart to a tiny little village called Tierra Del Mar which is just down the road from Pacific City. If anyone wants a live-in yoga teacher (and family) in that area, just let me know and I'll start packing.

I collected a handful of black stones today from Tierra del Mar beach that are just perfect for rubbing your worries away. Ever since Australia I've been enjoying my "no worries" stones. Bits and pieces of smooth shells and stones that I collected and brought back to give to friends and students. Just combine the stone rubbing with slow easy breaths and you've got a natural blood pressure regulator and stress-buster. Now I can give away a few from this side of the Pacific. I had a shell in my pocket from St. Kilda beach in Oz and I dipped it in the water here so it had a chance to visit with cousins on this side. Okay, I know I'm crazy but it seemed right at the time.

I'm sleepy and out of it right now, so I'll say, G'night.

Hope you have "no worries" this week or ever,


1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

What a nice, beautiful, relaxing weekend!