Monday, October 19, 2009

When the sun peeks around the clouds

Have you ever felt that rainclouds are all around and you just can't quite get into the sunshine? I've felt like that recently. I'm working hard through meditation and yoga to lift the clouds but I'm not 100% there yet. At least I can see the sun now though and that helps.

I HAVE had some great things going on lately. Yolanda's visit and the workshop were a wonderful success and I am so thankful for her and her friendship. The students who participated told me how meaningful the day was for them and we raised $300 for the Oregon Food Bank which is a very great thing. This is a very bright shaft of sunlight for me.

My yoga classes give me back so much more than I can possibly give. My students tell me how much my words and sequences are helping them in their lives and this makes me feel so happy. Giant rays of sunshine radiate off of my students towards me.

My daughter and my husband are loving, kind, and make me laugh. They tell me frequently how much they love me and I am blessed to be able to tell them right back how much I love them. The miracle of me being here and able to share love with my family and friends is actually a fireball of light emanating from my soul.

I'm actually basking in the sunshine now and all it took was a few moments of blogging with honest gratitude for the blessings in my life. I guess I just need to remember that trick the next time I'm struggling in the dark. The light starts from within and reflects back with love.

I hope you can feel my radiance towards you now too!




Kristina P. said...

What a great, positive post!

Deanna said...

Truer words were never spoken. Do like me and just treasure every day. The sun is always around the corner. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been feeling a bit low recently. It's all too easy to lose sight of all the wonderful things in our lives. I hope the sun continues to shine brightly and powerfully for you. Sending a beaming smile and a big hug your way :o)

xxx said...

Would we recognise the light without the dark?

Everything has its value.

Lovely to read that you are spending more time in light than dark.

best wishes